This module "Bin::File::Time" provides scripts for specific functionalities that deals about time information about files.
The included commands are as follows. 

(1) madeafter  : 
      This is for considering the atime, mtime, ctime at once for each file given. 
      Try `madeafter *'.

(2) lastaccess : 
      This command lists up and sort in the order when each file last accessed 
      among all the descendant files under the current directory.
      First try `last access' on a directroy where `find .' would show less than 100 or 1000 files or less.

(3) timeput : 
      Try `for i in $( seq 10 ) ; do echo $i ; sleep 1 ; done | timeput'. Then you will understand how it works.
      This commad get the input from STDIN then put the current time on the head of the each line and push to STDOUT. 

More details about how to use those commands above can be seen by: 
    madeafter --help 
    perldocjp madeafter # You need `cpanm Pod::PerldocJp' beforehand. 
    man madeafter 

    lastaccess --help  
    timeput --help

 Copyright (c) 2021 Toshiyuki SHIMONO. All rights reserved.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.