NAME WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage - fetch random image from <> SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage; my $wrong = WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->new; my $wrong_pic = $wrong->fetch or die "Failed to get the picture: " . $wrong->err_msg; print "You are doing it wrong: $wrong_pic\n"; DESCRIPTION The module is basic and simple. All it does is access <> and return a URI to a random image. CONSTRUCTOR new my $wrong = WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->new; my $wrong = WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->new( ua_args => { timeout => 20, agent => 'WrongAgent', }, ); The "new()" method *returns a WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage object*. It takes one *optional* argument: ua_args my $wrong = WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->new( ua_args => { timeout => 20, agent => 'WrongAgent', }, ); Optional. The "ua_args" argument takes a hashref as a value which will be passed to LWP::UserAgent object constructor. See LWP::UseAgent documentation for possible keys/values. By default the default LWP::UserAgent's constructor will be used *except* for "timeout" which, unless specified by you, will default to 30 seconds. METHODS fetch my $wrong_pic = $wrong->fetch or die "Failed to get the picture: " . $wrong->err_msg; The "fetch()" method instructs WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage to fetch a random image from <> and *returns a* URI object (which is overloaded, thus can be treated as a string) which will point to the random image from <>. If an error occured during the process, "fetch()" will return "undef" and the error explanation will be accessible via "err_msg()" method (see below). err_msg my $wrong_pic = $wrong->fetch or die "Failed to get the picture: " . $wrong->err_msg; If an error occured during the fetching of the URI of the image, the "fetch()" method will return "undef". The explanation of the error will be avalable via "err_msg()" method. PREREQUISITES For healthy operation module requires the following modules/versions: 'Carp' => 1.04, 'URI' => 1.35, 'LWP::UserAgent' => 2.036, 'HTML::TokeParser::Simple' => 3.15, It might work well with earlier versions of the above modules, but it wasn't tested with those. AUTHOR Zoffix Znet, "<zoffix at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-www-doingitwrongcom-randimage at", or through the web interface at < Image>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker < age> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.