
This module runs as a PerlHandler in mod_perl for compiled fmt-files created
by HTMLView. For information about how to configure apache with mod_perl
look at the mod_perl distribution in CPAN, this README assumes that it is
configured and running perfectly.

At startup it loads files from one or many directories.�File starting with _
is considered as an action and files with the extention .cfmt as an page.
All other files are ignored. All files are loaded into memory and parsed by
perls eval to references to subrutines. These sub's are then called
everytime the page is requested.

The actions are subs which are called with 3 parameters. The first is
a DBI connection that you can use to access the database. The second
is a CGI object that you can take parameters from. The last one is a
apace server object that you can access the apache server from.

Here is an example of an action:

sub {
    my ($dbi, $q, $r)=@_;
		$dbi->prepare("select * from tab");

In httpd.conf you specify which directories to look for compiled fmt's in
and how to access the database for this set of fmt's. If you have fmt's that
connect to the db in diffrent ways then you should keep them in diffrent
It is important you load the Apache::HTMLView after these are set!!!

Here is an example of how an httpd.conf could look:

# HTMLView test
PerlSetVar test_fmtpath /var/www/lib/fmttest
PerlSetVar test_DBIstr "DBI:mysql:fmttest"
PerlSetVar test_DBI_User "username"
PerlSetVar test_DBI_Password "password"

<Location /fmt/test>
PerlSetVar Name test
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::HTMLView

# HTMLView test2
PerlSetVar test2_fmtpath /var/www/lib/fmttest2
PerlSetVar test2_DBIstr "DBI:mysql:fmttest"
PerlSetVar test2_DBI_User "username"
PerlSetVar test2_DBI_Password "password"

<Location /fmt/test2>
PerlSetVar Name test2
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::HTMLView

PerlModule Apache::HTMLView

If you have a file called mypage.cfmt in /var/www/lib/fmttest2 then you
access it with: http://myhost.org/fmt/test2/mypage

If any page has the "uid" set the the value of connection->user will be
pased as the first argument to the page. The value of this parameter is set
by the autentification routins in apache earlier in the request and thus
this module can be used with as strong form of autentification as needed.

Any questions, ask: Bjorn Ardo <f98ba@efd.lth.se>