
	Version: 1.11 (Beta)

	PageKit is a web applications framework that is based on mod_perl.
	This framework is distinguished from others such as Embperl and Mason
	by providing a clear separation of programming, content and

	It does this by implementing a Model/View/Content/Controller (MVCC)
	design paradigm:
		- Model is user supplied Perl Classes
		- View is set of PageKit Templates and/or XSLT files
		- Content is set of XML Files
		- Controller is PageKit

	This allows your programmers, designers and content editors to work
	independently with clean well-defined interfaces.

	PageKit provides the following features:
		- Component-based architecture
		- Language Localization and charset translation
		- Session Management
		- Input Validation
		- Sticky HTML Forms
		- Authentication
		- Co-branding and XML,WML, and PDF output
		- Automatic Dispatching of URIs
		- Easy Error Handling
		- Online Editing Tools
		- Page based sessions
		- Localized error/messages

	- perl 5.005 or greater
	- mod_perl 1.24_01 (lastest version requir'd for make test only)
	- Apache 1.3.x (at best compiled _without_ expat (1.3.21 or higher recommended))
	- Apache::libapreq

	- Apache::SessionX
	- Compress::Zlib
	- Data::FormValidator
	- Digest::MD5
	- HTML::FillInForm 0.12
	- HTML::Template 2.2
	- HTML::Template::XPath
	- HTML::Clean
	- Text::Iconv
        - libxml2 library - download from http://www.xmlsoft.org
	- XML::LibXML 1.31

Required for example web site located in eg/ directory
	- HTTP::Headers
	- SQL::Statement
	- Text::CSV_XS
	- Apache::Reload

	- Mail::Mailer (needed if you use Apache::ErrorReport)
	- Apache::DBI (*strongly* recommended if you use DBI)
	- MIME::Types (needed if you want to serve static files from
		View/Default directory)
	- XML::LibXSLT 1.31 (needed if you want to use XSLT tranformations)
	- Apache XML FOP - need for generating PDF
        - Locale::gettext 1.01 (needed if you want to localize pkit messages)

PageKit >= 1.08
	You must have a mod_perl enabled apache server. That's all.

        PageKit avoids the expat conflict by not using XML::Parser anymore.
        If your application relies on XML::Parser, follow the instructions
        for installation PageKit <= 1.07.

PageKit <= 1.07
        First you must have a mod_perl enabled apache server _without_
	expat compiled in.  Apache 1.3.21 and above do not include
	expat if you already have expat installed.

	However, if you are using a version below 1.3.21, then
	you should supply the option
	--disable-rule=EXPAT to ./configure when you build Apache.  Alternatively
	if you build Apache with mod_perl, it will supply this option
	automatically for you.  For more information on the expat conflict,
	read http://www.axkit.org/faq.xml under "I install AxKit and Apache
	segfaults when it starts".  For an excellent reference on installing
	a mod_perl server from source, see http://perl.apache.org/guide/

	It is recommended that you compile mod_perl with the EVERYTHING switch.
	In any case, you should make sure that you allow the httpd.conf <Perl>

	By the way, you may download the expat library from sourceforge
	(Required for XML::Parser)

	After installing the requirements, you can use the standard

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

Setting up Included Example PageKit Site

	An example web site is included in the eg/ directory.  This is an
	good starting point for building your own website.  See eg/README
	for more details.

	To setup and configure, run

	perl setup_eg.pl

	You will be prompted for the location of your mod_perl enabled server.
	This will be used to configure a PageKit enabled web server on
	port 8228 that can be started using

	make start_httpd

	and killed by

	make kill_httpd

	To view the site, point your browser to http://localhost:8228/
	(Replace localhost with the name of the server, if necessary)

	If this page fails to load, you may find the error in t/error_log.
	If you get permission denied errors, try changing 'nobody' in
	t/httpd.conf to the user you are running under.

	Note that to test the PDF generation, you will have to download the
	Apache XML FOP Processor from http://xml.apache.org/fop/ and configure
	the path to the processor using fop_command configuration directive in

	To upgrade from an earlier version of PageKit, follow the
	installation instructions above.  You may have to change your
	Model, View, Content, or Config files.  For more information,
	see migration/README.

	You should use the directories and files contained in the eg/
	directory of the distribution as a starting point for your own

	Note that the example application uses DBD::CSV to store the
	login data.  This is choosen because it will work on any platform.
	However, when building your own application
	you should rip this out and put in a real database.  But in case
	you still want to use DBD::CSV, you'll have to run something like

	my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=/tmp/csvdb");
	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE pkit_user (user_id CHAR(8), login CHAR(255), email CHAR(255), passwd CHAR(255))");
	Note for Win32 user: 
	  On Win32 you should use a session_lock_class => 'Null'
	  in the eg site if you encount any problems. At least for me
	  session_lock_class => 'File' is not working.

	For the example application to work on a real database you must
	create the above table on it as well.

	For sessions to work, you will have
	to manually create a database 'sessions', and include a table (this
	example is for MySQL/PostgreSQL, adjust as needed for your target

		CREATE TABLE sessions (
			id char(32) not null primary key,
			a_session text

        A MySQL configuration inside Common.pm might look like:
		sub pkit_session_setup {
		  my $model = shift;
		  my $dbh = $model->dbh;

		  my %session_setup = (
			session_store_class => 'MySQL',
			session_lock_class => 'MySQL',
			session_args => {
					 Handle => $dbh,
					 LockHandle => $dbh,
		  return \%session_setup;

	A PostgreSQL configuration inside Common.pm might look like:
		sub pkit_session_setup {
		  my $model = shift;
		  my $dbh = $model->dbh;

		  my %session_setup = (
			session_store_class => 'Postgres',
			session_lock_class => 'Null',
			session_serialize_class => 'Base64',
			session_args => {
					 Handle => $dbh,
                                         IDLength => 32,
                                         Commit => 0,
		  return \%session_setup;

	Postgres user MUST use the Commit parameter in the session_args no matter if it is on or off.
        Look in Apache::Session::Postgres and Apache::Session


PageKit >= 1.09 with mod_perl >= 1.26
	If you use PageKit >= 1.09 and mod_perl < 1.26, the follow the instructions
	for PageKit < 1.09.

	Configuring PageKit is as easy as adding the following
	to your httpd.conf

		SetHandler perl-script
		PerlSetVar PKIT_ROOT /path/to/pagekit/files
		PerlSetVar PKIT_SERVER staging
		PerlHandler +Apache::PageKit

		# Optional
		PerlRequire /path/to/startup.pl
		PerlModule Apache::ErrorReport
		PerlSetVar ErrorReportHandler display

	and changing the settings in


PageKit < 1.09

	Configuring PageKit is as easy as adding the following
	to your httpd.conf

		SetHandler perl-script
		PerlSetVar PKIT_ROOT /path/to/pagekit/files
		PerlSetVar PKIT_SERVER staging
		PerlHandler +Apache::PageKit

		# Optional
		PerlRequire /path/to/startup.pl
		PerlModule Apache::ErrorReport
		PerlSetVar ErrorReportHandler display

	and changing the settings in



There is a bug in Perl 5.6.1 that causes weirdness with the templates
are encoded in UTF-8.

Please submit any bug reports, comments, or suggestions to the Apache::PageKit
mailing list at http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/pagekit-users


Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 AnIdea Corporation.  All rights Reserved.
PageKit is a trademark of AnIdea Corporation.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Ricoh Source Code Public License for more details.

You can redistribute this module and/or modify it only under the
terms of the Ricoh Source Code Public License.

You should have received a copy of the Ricoh Source Code Public
License along with this program; if not, obtain one at